Monday, January 17, 2011

Assignment 3

This is our Video for the assignment 3
We've created video to help people with planning Christmas Holiday.
This is especially designed for people spending their Chrsitmas in Sydney for the first time.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Outline for our Video

This is an outline for our video.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sydney firework show is one of the most wanderful show during the christmas, if u are travelling in the sydeny at moment, do not miss it!!

Enjoy your holiday at nearest place :)

Suggestion !
Why don't you visit your nearest place - Wollongong
It takes only one and a half hours by train and
you will enjoy the beautiful view of Wollongong and the
attractive shopping town where you will enjoy very much :)

Take train to Wollongong and stay a night, relax :)
Enjoy your holiday in Kiama beach.
Nice view, nice weather :)

How does it sounds like?!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Don't forget BOXING DAY!!!

On Boxing Day: Pay attention to the crowds. Boxing Day which is on 26 December has become the tradition BIG sale day after an entire 24 hours without shopping the big sales are on. Roughly equivalent to Black Friday or  Cyber Monday sales in the US this is one of the best days to shop for major household appliances - but unless you are really sure you need the bargain stay away - its crazy out there

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Travelling in Tasmania

Have you experienced Tasmanian before? If not, come here, it's not only a place with beautiful natural secenery, it is also a place that is full of something amazing and attractive,especially whitewater rafting let you fully enjoy the fun!

people on the boat are expericing fantastic thing!

Monday, December 20, 2010